Words of Chazal about Terumos and ma’aseros
Ever wondered what our sages said about acquiring a plot of the Holy Land? Here we bring a some of the segulot and brachot from the Oral Law to give you a taste of what you get when you become a member of Kinyan Eretz Yisrael.
1. He who gives [terumos and ma’aseros] will be blessed, as it says, “Bring in all the tithes… and I will pour out abundant blessing for you…” (Mal’achi 3:10; Shabbos 32b)
2. Rabbi Akiva said: “Ma’aseros help one to become wealthy” (Avos 3:17)
3. He who separates ma’aser brings benefit to the world (Pesikta Rabbasi 26:3)
4. To what do the wealthy of the Land of Israel attribute their wealth? To the fact that they give ma’aser (Shabbos 119a)
5. There are three whom Hakadosh Baruch Hu mentions every day… a wealthy person who tithes his produce in private (Pesachim 113a)
6. In what merit do the people of Yisrael live? In the merit of [giving] ma’aser (Bereshis Rabbah 11:4)
7. If you properly separate [tithes] I will grant you male children, as it says: “You shall present Me the firstborn of your sons” (Shemos 22:28; Shemos Rabbah 31:8)
8. Rabbi Alexandri said: “The power of those who give out ma’aser is so great that they turn a curse into a blessing” (Shemos Rabbah 41:1)
9. Rav Yehoshua of Sachnin said in the name of Rav Levi: In the merit of two things Yisrael purifies itself before Hashem – in the merit of Shabbos and in the merit of
ma’aser, as it is written: “And you shall rejoice with all the good that Hashem, you G-d, has given to you” (Devarim 26:11), and [true] goodness is only Torah (Midrash Tanchuma, Re’eh 11)
10. “In order that you will learn to fear Hashem” (Devarim 14:23) – this teaches us that [separating] tithes leads a person to Torah study (Yalkut Shim’oni, Re’eh 897)
11. When Yisrael does the will of Hashem and separates ma’aser properly, the eyes of Hashem, their God, is always upon them, from the beginning of the year until the end of the year, and they suffer no harm (Yerushalmi, Berochos 9:2)
12. From here we learn that whoever purchases four amos in Eretz Yisroel is guaranteed a portion in the World to Come (Midrash Zuta, Koheles 7)
13. Whoever travels to the Holy Land does so to sanctify himself and to fulfill the Mitzvot there… It is proper for a man to make himself obligated in the mitzvah when he fulfills it, and even if he is not obligated to do it, he should make himself obligated. Whoever does not do so may sometimes be punished [at a time] when the attribute of Justice acts from Above (Shelah Hakadosh, old edition of Sha’ar Ha’osiyos p. 56)
14. Rav Avdimi the son of Rav Yosef said: “From here you learn that whoever properly gives to the poor leket, shikechah and pe’ah is considered as if he built the Holy Temple and brought sacrifices there (see Rashi, Vayikra 23:22)
“Fortunate is one who is privileged to be partner in distinguished group and is thus able to fulfill this precious Mitzvot inthe best way possible”.