More than 28 Mitzvos you've never performed are yours for the taking!
Your Share In the Land of Israel
You are invited to join in a partnership in the wheat field and fulfill the Mitzvot pertaining to the Land of Israel
- → 14 Mitzvot connected to wheat and the wheat harvest are available to you now!
- → For the duration of 2 months during the wheat harvest (Nissan and Iyar)
- → You will receive a certificate of participation in your name for this period of time
- → If you wish, you may arrive in person during the harvest period to observe the wheat harvest in the field together with family and friends
→ 14 Mitzvot connected to wheat and the wheat harvest are available to you now!
→ For the duration of 2 months during the wheat harvest (Nissan and Iyar)
→ You will receive a certificate of participation in your name for this period of time
→ If you wish, you may arrive in person during the harvest period to observe the wheat harvest in the field together with family and friends
Why are we offering this?
Because this is our mission and we believe that every Jew everywhere in the world has a merit to partake in the Mitzvot pertaining to the Land,
and to be connected to the Land of Israel. Thousands of friends from all parts of the world have already acquired portions of the fields for extended
periods of time, at cost, and are already benefiting from the many Segulot connected with the Mitzvot of the Land.
This is a real way to have one’s own portion in the Land of Israel.
We are extending this opportunity of partnership to you for a 2 month period (excluding actual ownership of the piece of land)
which will afford you the opportunity to fulfill the Mitzvot pertaining to Eretz Yisrael during the coming 2 months of wheat harvest.
Who Are We in Kinyan Eretz Yisrael?
Kinyan Eretz Yisrael is a non-profit organization established 16 years ago by the esteemed HaRav Meir Leibowitz, Shlit”a, a Dayan in Jerusalem, in order to bring the benefit of the Mitzvot pertaining to the Land of Israel to Jews scattered throughout the world.
Harav Leibowitz has done extensive research into the topic of the Mitzvot pertaining to the Land of Israel, and has already written a book on this topic. Thousands of people throughout the world including many esteemed Admorim, Rabanim and Poskim have joined to become partners in the efforts of Kinyan Eretz Yisrael, and have already earned an incomparable merit by partaking in the agricultural Mitzvot of Eretz Yisrael.
How Does This Work?
After your agreement to participate, you will receive a signed certificate of contract, including the details of your plot of land.
You will then have a plot of land that is planted according to Halacha (Jewish Law) as well as the laws of the State of Israel.
Each partner will receive a certificate delineating the details and number of the exact plot of land which will be planted and managed in his name.
Approbations of the Gedolim
Kinyan Eretz Yisrael has received the blessings of the Great Rabbis in Israel and America,
including HaRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, Z”L, HaRav Aharon Shteinman, Z”L, the Admor of Belz, Shlita,
HaRav Yehuda Ades, Shlita, HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita, and others.
Prior to the harvest we will send you a letter for you to appoint us as your representative to enable you to fulfill the Mitzvot in your absence.
Please complete that brief form and mail back to us.
Rabbi Samla’i explained: Why did Moshe yearn to enter the land of Eretz Yisrael?
Did he feel a need to partake of its fruit or to relish in its goodness?!
Rather, this is what Moshe said: “Yisrael have been given numerous mitzvos that can only be observed in Eretz Yisrael. If only I could enter the land so that I will be able to observe all of them”
(Sotah 14a).
What does Hashem promise to those who fulfill the mitzvot pertaining to the Land?
If you properly separate [tithes] I will grant you male children, as it says: “You shall present Me the firstborn of your sons”
(Shemos 22:28; Shemos Rabbah 31:8)
Long Life
In what merit do the people of Yisrael live? In the merit of [giving] ma’aser
(Bereshis Rabbah 11:4)
There are three whom Hakadosh Baruch Hu mentions every day… a wealthy person who tithes his produce in private
(Pesachim 113a)
Prosperity and Abundance
He who gives [terumos and ma’aseros] will be blessed, as it says, “Bring in all the tithes… and I will pour out abundant blessing for you…”
(Mal’achi 3:10; Shabbos 32b)
Rabbi Akiva said: “Ma’aseros help one to become wealthy”
(Avos 3:17)
Would you like to benefit from your portion of the Land also in the coming Shmita year?
A wheat field also during the Shmita year:
In this annual program you will have a daily portion of a wheat field during the entire period of your participation.
Everyday during the Shmita period you will be fulfilling In a beautiful manner the Mitzvot of Shmita and of the Land pertaining to the periods of the year, as well as during the periods of harvest in regular years.
You are invited to come to the field during the harvest time, together with family and friends,
when, if you wish, you may take the produce home.
*It is recognized as tax deductible
A vine orchard also during the Shmita year:
In this annual program you will have a daily portion of a grape orchard during the entire period of your participation.
Everyday during the Shmita period you will be fulfilling In a beautiful manner the Mitzvot of Shmita and of the Land pertaining to the periods of the year, as well as during the periods of harvest in regular years.
You are invited to come to the orchard during the harvest time, together with family and friends, when, if you wish, you may take the produce home.
*It is recognized as tax deductible
Vine Orchard + Wheat field:
In this annual program you will have a daily portion of a grape orchard and a wheat field during the entire period of your participation.
Everyday during the Shmita period you will be fulfilling In a beautiful manner the Mitzvot of Shmita and of the Land pertaining to the periods of the year, as well as during the periods of harvest in regular years.
You are invited to come to the orchard and field during the harvest time, together with family and friends, when, if you wish, you may take the produce home.
*It is recognized as tax deductible
Our fields
in Eretz Yisrael
If you have a question, please write to us
Kinyan Eretz Yisrael
515 8th Street, Lakewood
New Jersey, 08701
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