Keeping shmittah in America?
How is that possible?

Your plot of land in Eretz Yisrael…
The rare mitzvah you have never merited to fulfill,
Now you can, too!

True, You’re probably not a farmer in Eretz Yisrael,
You don’t eat the fruits of Eretz Yisrael,
And you’ve never had an opportunity to keep the mitzvos hatluyos ba’aretz,
the special mitzvos of Eretz Yisrael.
But that doesn’t mean that you can’t
actively take part in this incredible opportunity,
The holy and elevated year of Shmittah
belongs to you too!

Purchase your plot of land in a wheat field or vineyard in Eretz Yisrael today,
and you, too, can keep the mitzvos of shmittah in the most mehudar way.
You will be part of the “giborei koach”, and will also merit all the blessings that are promised in the Torah to those who keep Shmittah:

“I will command
My blessing for you”

How does
it work?

You buy a plot of land in a field or vineyard.
You receive a signed certification of purchase.
The plot is now registered under your name, halachically and legally.
You are given the details about your plot.
The representatives in Eretz Yisrael request permission to be your proxy.
Whenever you wish, you can come for a visit to see your plot in the field or vineyard.
You are constantly fulfilling mitzvos hatluyos ba’aretz, also after shmittah.

Why “Kinyan Eretz Yisrael”?

16 years

All of the
gedolei yisrael
have approved
of this

You can
visit your
plot of land
you wish

Not just
shmittah – you
will be fulfilling
28 special
mitzvos each

Credibility – your
section of land is
yours and only
yours, and
registered with
your name

Gedolei Yisrael recommend
“Kinyan Eretz Yisrael”


What is “Kinyan Eretz Yisrael”?

We have been here in the Holy Land for over 16 years, and we don’t disappear after shmittah.
Every year we enable thousands of Jews from all over the world to merit keeping 28 mitzvos that can be kept only in Eretz Yisrael.
“Kinyan Eretz Yisrael” is a non-profit organization that was founded 16 years ago by Rav Meir Leibowitz, a dayan in Yerushalayim, in order to bring the mitzvos of Eretz Yisrael to Jews all over the world.
Join the thousands of Jews from all over who have already signed up and are accruing the merits of these special agricultural mitzvos of Eretz Yisrael.

Do you want to observe the 28 mitzvos hatluyos ba’aretz, and shmittah too?

Wheat field – during shmittah too

In this yearly plan, you have ownership of a section of a wheat field for the duration of your membership.
You have the daily merit of the mitzvah of shmittah and all other relevant mitzvos hatluyos ba’aretz for that year and season.
You are invited to visit the field, at any time of the year, together with family and friends. During the harvest, you can even bring the produce home with you.

Wheat field + vineyard

In this yearly plan, you have ownership of a section of a vineyard for the duration of your membership.
You have the daily merit of the mitzvah of shmittah and all other relevant mitzvos hatluyos ba’aretz for that year and season.
You are invited to visit the vineyard, at any time of the year, together with family and friends. During the harvest, you can even bring the produce home with you.

3 year

Vineyard – during shmittah too

In this yearly plan, you have ownership of a section of a vineyard for the duration of your membership.
You have the daily merit of the mitzvah of shmittah and all other relevant mitzvos hatluyos ba’aretz for that year and season.
You are invited to visit the vineyard, at any time of the year, together with family and friends. During the harvest, you can even bring the produce home with you.

1 year

2 year

3 year

*Donations are tax-deductible

*Donations are tax-deductible

*Donations are tax-deductible

Our fields in Eretz Yisrael

Touring a wheat field

Touring a vineyard

“I will command
My blessing for you”

(Leviticus 25:21)

Let your tractor rest,
Go down to the fields, smell the dirt,
And say:

Good Shabbos, earth!
We will meet again
in a year.

If you have a question, please write to us